As the President of Williston Little League, I wanted to take a moment to outline what makes AMV Photography a great partner. The key factors are:
• Quality – The end product is well planned and is delivered as envisioned. There have been no quality issues in the multiple years we have dealt with AMV Photography
• Flexibility – AMV Photography shows flexibility in everything from scheduling the event all the way through the delivery of the end product.
• “Popularity” – Running an organization, the last thing one wants is to deal with complaints about a selected vendor. I have never had to get involved as AMV has dealt directly with any orders or reprints on a direct and satisfactory basis.
• Professionalism – AMV photographs over 30 teams and almost 400 little league players in a 3 hour span. This takes organization and patience – two attributes exhibited on a consistent basis.
• Dependability – When Ann Marie and Margo say they are going to be somewhere on a set date and time – they are!
Mark Gagne, Williston Little League President |